Adult Discipleship

Sunday School

10:00 AM
The Flock
24 January 2024, 10:20
Room 203

Young adults ages 18 to 25 in this Sunday morning discussion style class focused on God’s Word and applying His word to our daily lived. This class is casual in atmosphere while at the same time addressing a variety of Biblical topics with an emphasis on life application. Fellowship combined with spiritual growth make this an excellent avenue for the young adult looking for a place to fit in.


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24 January 2024, 10:15
Room 202

Older couples, singles, in this large class sharing in open discussion about God’s Word. This class uses the Cokesbury Adult Quarterly material providing solid adult Bible study based on International Sunday School Lessons. Both lecture and discussion are part of this class as well as lively hymn singing at the beginning of each Sunday session. While this class is geared for older adults, all are welcome. The class is led by a Rotation of Teachers.


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New Life
24 January 2024, 10:14
Room 205

Adults ages 35 to 55, singles and couples sharing in open discussion about God’s Word. This class studies a wide range of topics from books of the Bible to video series. While serious about growing in their walk with God, this class also takes time during the year to plan and enjoy fellowship events. The class is led by a rotation of teachers.


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Good News
24 January 2024, 10:14
Room 211

Adults ages 50 to 70 studying God’s word and enjoying a relaxed format of discussion, questions, and answers with a bend toward practical life application. There is an emphasis on serving together among this group with the class providing numerous volunteers who serve throughout the year at various events both within the church and without. This class is led by a Rotation of Teachers.


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24 January 2024, 10:11
Room 308

Adults ages 50 to 70 in this interactive group who study books of the Bible and a variety of Christ centered topics. Discussion, comments, and questions are encouraged as this group prays, fellowships, and grows in their relationship with God. This class is led by a Rotation of Teachers.


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24 January 2024, 10:10
Room 206

Older couples, singles, in this class sharing in prayer for one another, fellowship, and open discussion as they study the Word of God. This group uses direct book of the Bible studies to video driven studies. Discussion, comments, and questions are encouraged. This class is led by a Rotation of Teachers.


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New Beginning
13 March 2024, 13:54
Room 310

Adults ages 50 to 70 studying various books of the Bible and using a variety of materials including video series. While this is an informal discussion style group, they are serious about gaining an accurate understanding of God’s Word and living it out in their daily lives. This class is led by Matt Triplett.


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Oscar Horton
13 March 2024, 13:54
Room 312

Men only class (all ages) who enjoy singing and studying God’s Word together. This is the oldest continuous class at GFMC. Warm and welcoming this class is lecture-style while enjoying lively discussions using the Cokesbury Adult Quarterly material providing solid adult Bible study based on International Sunday School Lessons. This class is led by a Rotation of Teachers.


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14 March 2024, 13:42
The Worship Center

Adults of all ages look at the truth of Scripture, and the many doctrines both in the Old and New Testaments. Questions and discussion are welcomed in this lecture-style class using books of the Bible as well as video driven studies. This class is led by Michael Ferguson.


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14 March 2024, 13:42
Youth Center

Adults of all ages enjoy an interactive time of fellowship, community, prayer, discussion, and study of the Word. Serious about going deeper with God this group focuses on individual Book of the Bible study. Questions and discussion are welcomed here with no question considered dumb. This class is lecture-style and is led by Icy Sanders.


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Marriage Class
14 March 2024, 13:43
The House

Married Couples enjoying fellowship and growing together in their love for Jesus while using a variety of Christ Centered materials. An informal class that serves as a form of banded/accountability group for married couples. Topics focus on building strong healthy relationships that last a lifetime. This class encourages discussion, prayer, fellowship, and honesty. This class is led by a Rotation of Leaders and occasionally attends marriage conferences together.


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Weekday Classes

Financial Peace
26 June 2024, 13:58
Room 205
6:00 PM

Details coming soon!


New this Fall! Begins August 29th. Find out how to change your financial future: Make a budget you’ll understand and actually use, get out of debt and stay that way, communicate with your spouse about finances, invest with confidence. Led by Ken Sanders and Sharon Blocker. THERE IS A REGISTRATION FEE TO PARTICIPATE…..MORE INFORMATION TBA.

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Pastor's Class
13 March 2024, 14:48
Room 202
9:30 AM

This fall the class will be studying the book “The Bondage Breaker” by Neil T. Anderson: Overcoming negative thoughts, irrational feelings, and habitual sins. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free. The study lasts approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes.


This class looks at different books of the Bible in a verse-by-verse examination. Lively discussion and opportunities to ask questions. Divided by semesters (Fall, Winter/Spring, and Summer). Led by Pastor Ricky Smith.

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Zoom Lunch Break
13 March 2024, 14:55
Women’s Study
12:15 PM to 1:00 PM

This fall the class will be studying the books of “1 & 2 Peter”. Peter gives us life applicable instruction on how to live victoriously in the midst of life’s challenges and suffering giving us a HOPE that does not disappoint or disappear. To participate in this study registration is required so that the Zoom link can be sent to you each week. TO REGISTER: email or call (256) 582-2001 and provide your name, a cell phone number, and email address.


This class is designed with the working woman in mind and for groups who might want to gather together on their lunch break in the office. Led by Ann Lee.

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Women’s Morning Study
13 March 2024, 15:04
The Youth Center
6:45 AM

This fall the class will be joining together in the Priscilla Shirer study of Gideon. Most of us think about Gideon’s 300 soldiers or a fleece spread beneath the evening sky, but Gideon’s story is so much bigger than that. This is a story about God and His people—His love for them, as well as His strength operating in spite of, even through, their weakness. This 7-session study will encourage you to unlock the full experience of God’s strength in your life.


This class is particularly designed with the mom in mind, all though it is open to all women. Drop your child off at school can come join the group or catch the class before you have to check in at work. Follows the school calendar. Led by Charlotte Watts.

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Man Church
13 March 2024, 15:18
Monday 6:00 AM Room 310
Wednesday 6:30 PM Room 310
Thursday 6:30 AM The House

Our Man Church small groups are designed specifically for men as a safe place to be both challenged and equipped to relentlessly pursue God. Men hold each other accountable is these weekly meetings where the study of God’s Word is front and center. While the small groups meet weekly, quarterly large group events featuring worship and testimony are scheduled that coordinate and empower the small group discipleship.


Man Church is a small group ministry designed to challenge and equip men to become the people God created them to be. Led by David Kutner, Steve Varnell, and Matt Arnold.

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Pastor’s Study
13 March 2024, 15:20
Room 202
4:00 PM

Currently this class is studying the book “THE BONDAGE BREAKER” by Neil T. Anderson. Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. Find freedom from the strongholds in your life and know that you are not alone. This study offers a wholistic approach to spiritual warfare and is rooted in the Word of God.


This group studies various topics and books that are designed to empower and equip God’s people to live victorious Christian lives. Led by Ricky Smith.

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Pastor’s Study
13 March 2024, 15:25
Room 202
6:00 PM

Currently this class is studying the book “VICTORY OVER DARKNESS” by Neil T. Anderson a companion book to “The Bondage Breaker”. In “Victory Over Darkness” you learn how to conquer your burdens and the spiritual forces by knowing who you are in Christ. This 12-session study is designed to help you grow in your identity in Christ. 


This group studies various topics and books that are designed to empower and equip God’s people to live victorious Christian lives. Led by Ricky Smith.

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Women’s Study
13 March 2024, 15:26
Room 205
6:00 PM

Fall topic and information Coming Soon!


Women all ages enjoying fellowship, discussion and the study of God’s Word together using various DVD based curriculum by leading women authors.

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Adult Choir
13 March 2024, 15:38
The Sanctuary
6:30 PM

The adult Chancel Choir is a mixed voice choir of volunteer singers whose chief desire is to bring Glory to God through music. Some musical experience is beneficial to membership but there are no specific requirements to sing. Rehearsals last for 1 hour. We sing each Sunday at both the 8:45 am and 11:00 am Traditional Services and at special Worship services throughout the year.


You are invited to come and be a part of the fun, fellowship, and community as we seek to serve God by making a joyful noise together. Led by Ann Lee.

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13 March 2024, 15:40
The Choir Room
5:30 PM

Just like in the Adult Choir our volunteer ringers chief desire is to bring Glory to God through music. The ability to read basic music notes and count is a REQUIREMENT Handbell ringing is the art of playing music with a set of specially designed bells. Handbells come in many sizes and pitches, from tiny “jingle” bells to large concert-style handbells. A single person can play a handbell solo or multiple people can perform together in an ensemble. Rehearsal is 1 hour, and we ring once a quarter and at various special services.


Adults and High School students who enjoy the fun and unique experience of ringing handbells. The ability to read basic music notes, time signatures, and count is a REQUIREMENT. Training is part of our time together as a group. Led by Ann Lee.

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Memory Cafe
13 March 2024, 15:57
The Youth Center
2nd Tuesday of the Month
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Memory Cafe is a wonderfully welcoming place for individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease or any other form of dementia, or other brain disorders. It is designed to include the care partner as well, for a shared experience. Additionally, it is helpful for people with all forms of mild cognitive impairment (MCI.) Enjoy fellowship, activities involving art and music, dancing, education, remembering, but most of all an informal time to create new friendships. Free coffee and refreshments are served. QUESTIONS CONTACT: Lula Dobbs at


Special fellowship time for those with dementia or other memory impairment, family and care partners. Led by Lula Dobbs.

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Marshall Co. Caregiver’s Support
13 March 2024, 16:09
The Youth Center
1st Tuesday of the Month
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

This is a group for families, and other caregivers who want a safe place to discuss the stresses, challenges, and rewards of providing care for adults with disorders such as Alzheimer’s, stroke, brain injury, and other chronic debilitating health conditions. If caring for a loved one leaves you frustrated and angry at times, that’s normal — but you don’t have to go it alone. Find support and learn from others who have walked a similar path. QUESTIONS CONTACT: Lula Dobbs at


For those caring for loved ones diagnosed with dementia, Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s disease—you don’t have to go it alone. Led by Lula Dobbs .

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