Win the Lost
Disciple the Found
October 2024
Oct 15 2024
Kings & Queens Registration Opens October 1st
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We’ve been waiting for you! We believe that every person who visits this site was sent by God. Your visit is not an accident, and we hope that we will have the joy of meeting you in person during one of our worship services. Above all else we want to express Christ’s love to you with genuine, heartfelt warmth. We are eager to know you, and we are excited to share with you the marvelous ways God is working in our church.
(click on the links below to go to livestream*)
- 5:30 Celebrate Recovery at Thursdays
Our Discipleship Path
We believe the Church (also known as the Body or Bride of Christ in Scripture) is made up of all those in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We believe the Church is called to live in fellowship with one another, worship together in unity and help each other become more like Christ through word and deed. The Church is also called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to bring the saving and healing power of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world.